
  9 April 2015

Dear HKBU Foundation Members and Friends of the University,

Albert and Mabel Chan Exchange Scholarship

As you may be aware, Professor Albert Chan will retire as President and Vice-Chancellor of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) in July 2015. In recognition of his tremendous contributions to HKBU, the University will establish the “Albert and Mabel Chan Exchange Scholarship (陳新滋伉儷交流獎學金)” to support outstanding students participating in exchange studies in Mainland or overseas universities. On behalf of the University, we would like to seek your/your organisation’s kind support for this meaningful cause.

During his five-year tenure, Professor Chan has demonstrated his profound insights into the development of the University in all aspects. In 2010, he formulated Vision 2020, a comprehensive blueprint that charts HKBU’s development over the current decade. Moreover, he has cast his vision beyond the territory and explored cooperation opportunities with both Mainland and overseas institutions. He has taken the lead in a number of remarkable initiatives of the University, including the establishment of the Institute of Creativity, the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, the Partner State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis, and research institutes in Shenzhen, Changshu and Haimen. Professor Chan has also contributed significantly to accelerating the fundraising activities of the University to address its long-term development needs.

To reaffirm Professor Chan’s commitment to ensuring an all-round, holistic education for HKBU students, the University will establish the above Scholarship to support undergraduate students in any discipline who join the University’s Student Exchange Programme. The Programme enables students to build up their global perspectives and learning experiences which include foreign language skills, cross-cultural understanding and an appreciation of the diverse world. This Scholarship will target academically promising students who have actively participated in extracurricular activities to complement the classroom learning. Preference will be given to candidates who have proven financial needs.

If you/your organisation would like to render us your kind support, please return the donation form together with your cheque payable to “Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation” or simply contact Mrs. Lily Chan, Director of University Advancement, at 3411 7878.

We look forward to your/your organisation's continued support for the University in its endeavours to nurture talent for the benefit of the community.

Yours sincerely,

Cheng Yan-kee, JP Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP
Chairman Chairman
Council and Court, HKBU Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation



English Version




香港浸會大學校長陳新滋教授將於本年七月榮休。為表揚他對大學的卓越貢獻,浸大將設立「陳新滋伉儷交流獎學金(Albert and Mabel Chan Exchange Scholarship)」,以資助優秀學生到內地或海外進行交流學習。



誠盼 閣下╱貴機構賜予考慮,撥款襄助上述獎學金。如蒙俯允,不勝感銘。敬希填妥捐款表格後連同捐款支票(抬頭請寫上「香港浸會大學基金」)擲交發展事務處。如有任何查詢,敬請賜電發展事務處總監陳鄭惠蘭女士(電話:3411-7878)。專此奉懇,佇候佳音,謹頌

 香港浸會大學校董會主席 香港浸會大學基金主席
 鄭恩基,JP 王英偉,SBS,JP